
このサイトについて: 私自身が30年来のファンであり、また海外のslash fandomの一角で80年代から現在に至るまでカルト的な人気を擁する、「エロイカより愛をこめて(From Eroica with Love)」を題材とした、英語での厖大な二次創作群を紹介・翻訳しています。サイト管理者には原作者の著作権を侵害する意図は全く無く、またこのサイトにより金銭的な利益を享受するものでもありません。「エロイカより愛をこめて」は青池保子氏による漫画作品であり、著作権は青池氏に帰属します。私たちファンはおのおのが、登場人物たちが自分のものだったらいいなと夢想していますが、残念ながらそうではありません。ただ美しい夢をお借りしているのみです。




Klaus followed obediently, and in the Earl's room, sank tiredly into a chair. He had reached only one conclusion during the day's hike: that there was no point in lying about anything anymore. So he would not.

Dorian had the menu out. "What would you like?"

"Something with fried potatoes."

Dorian lifted an eyebrow. "Very well." He made the call, then sat across from Klaus, studying him soberly. "Are you angry at me, because of last night?"

Klaus felt his face burn. "I think you are the one who has cause to be angry." He had felt a stab of shame when he had noticed the sprinkling of small bruises on Dorian's skin that morning.

"Are you always like that?" Dorian inquired.

Klaus scowled at him. "What do you think, you idiot?" he demanded.

Dorian's eyes widened. "Of course. How foolish of me. That was your first time, wasn't it? And not just your first with a man, either."

Klaus looked away.

"Klaus. I'm honored." He tilted his head to one side. "I'll allow you to sodomize me tonight, if you can control yourself sufficiently not to hurt me," Dorian said archly.

Klaus' face burned. "I'm not going to hurt you tonight," he said in a voice so low Dorian could scarcely hear it. Dorian did not quite dare to close the distance between them; he could tell there was something more Klaus needed to say first. The tense silence lengthened. At last Klaus broke it, still scarcely able to speak.

"I apologize," Klaus managed.

Dorian took a breath. "Darling," was all he said before moving to take Klaus in his arms.
クラウスはおとなしく従った。彼は伯爵の部屋に入り、疲れ切ったように椅子に沈み込んだ。一日中歩き回った挙句の、唯一の結論はこれだった。: これ以上嘘をつく意味は全くない。あらゆることに。だから彼はそうしなかった。




クラウスは頬が赤らむのを感じた。 「怒るべきなのはお前のほうだ。」











be no point = meaningless, doesn't make sense
a stab of = a sudden sharp feeling

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